For those unable to attend in person service due to health or mobility issues, Prince of Peace continues to live stream (and send out audio via a phone service) the Service of the Word. These tools, while gifts from God, must not be viewed as a replacement for what Scripture calls the gathering together (Hebrews 10:19-25), and what the Catechism calls the public proclamation and administration of God’s Word; being physically present with brothers and sisters in Christ to hear and receive His good gifts. Every gift from God has a proper use and an improper use; we are blessed by God through the proper use of His gifts, and we bring harm to ourselves by their improper use. Christians who can attend the Divine Service, should make every effort to attend, for there the Incarnate Lord desires to bless them, body and soul, in manifold ways. We look forward to seeing you Sunday morning!

If you have regularly benefited from checking here for upcoming service links, we would encourage you to head over to our YouTube channel at the following link, and click Subscribe if you have not done so already. Doing so will help the algorithms to know that our content is worth pushing, and it will suggest it to others. Going forward, in an effort to redeem a little time, we will not be regularly posting upcoming links here. That said, they will always be posted on the YouTube channel.

Prince of Peace YouTube Channel:

Christ’s peace to you this Adventide!