Resources and More
Prince of Peace Fast Links
Lutheran Organizations in Canada
Lutheran Church — Canada (LCC)
The synod (church body) in which Prince of Peace and her Pastor holds membership.
Lutheran Foundation Canada
Assisting Lutheran donors in fulfilling their stewardship goals through charitable giving by providing education, guidance, and supportin estate planning.
Lutheran Womens Missionary League – Canada
Supporting women of all ages, nationalities, backgrounds, in Canada to reach out with the Gospel through acts of service and mercy to God’s people.
Lutheran Laymen’s League of Canada
Assists laity in the proclamation of the Gospel by creating, distributing, and promoting resources through various media and equipping Christians for outreach.
Concordia Lutheran Mission Society
Raises financial and prayer support to spread the Gospel through mission, educational and social ministry programs in Canada and througout the world.
Lutheran Bible Translators Canada
Translating the Word of God into the languages of the heart around the world.
Lutherans for Life – Canada (LFL-C)
A Pro-Life, Pro-Family ministry whose mission is to “witness to the sanctity of human life through education based on the Word of God.”
Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary – St. Catharines (CLTS)
Concordia Lutheran Seminary – Edmonton (CLS)
And more…
Lutheran Organizations Abroad
Lutheran Church — Missouri Synod (LCMS)
The mother/sister synod (church body) of Lutheran Church Canada.
Lutheran Hour Ministries
A trusted resource in global media that equips and engages a vibrant volunteer base to passionately proclaim the Gospel with people around the world.
Lutheran Braille Workers
Exists to bring the Word of God to the 253 million people throughout the world who are Blind or Visually Impaired, completely free of charge, in Braille, Specialized Large Print, and Audio-Digital formats.
Lutheran For Life
Equipping Lutherans and their neighbors to be Gospel-motivated voices For Life.
Ambasadors of Reconcilliation
Equipping Christians and their churches for living, proclaiming, and cultivating lifestyles of reconciliation.
And more…
Lutheran Resources Online
The number of Lutheran resources that are online are nearly innumerable, these are some of the more regularly used ones. If you come across a good resource that you would like to share, let pastor know.
The Book of Concord
A site containing the text of the Book of Concord as well as many other texts and resources related to the history of its development and its ongoing significance for the Church of Christ today.
Canadian Lutheran
The expanded online news magazine of LCC.
Issues, Etc.
A ten-hour weekly syndicated radio talk show and podcast. The program features expert guests, expansive topics, while extolling Christ.
Lutheran Witness
Seeking to help you interpret the world from a Lutheran perspective.
Concordia Publishing House
The publishing house of the LCMS, great resources on theology, church history, outreach, and more.
The Word Endures
A daily, on demand, 15 minute Bible study, lead by LCMS Pastor Will Weedon.
KFUO Radio
The online presence of KFUO, broadcasting from St. Louis, MO it is the radio voice of the LCMS and contains various programs such as Cross Defence, Sharper Iron, and the Lutheran Hour.
And more…
And… Some Books to Read
One thing is certain, there is never enough bookshelves to hold all the books that could be read. Here are a few that you might be interested in. If they are not in the POP library, don’t hesitate to ask Pastor to borrow his copy.
The Small Catechism – Martin Luther
The Large Catechism – Martin Luther
The Spirituality of the Cross – Gene Vieth
Grace Upon Grace – John Kleinig
Has American Christianity Failed? – Bryan Wolfmueller
Secondly, there are always more books to read then there is time to read, these are a good starting point for most people. Pastor will add to this virtual bookshelf from time to time. Keep an eye out for blog posts updating the virtual shelf.