What's Going On?
Let all that you do be done in love. 1 Corinthians 16:14READ AND WATCH
Service Links
Livestreams from Prince of Peace
For those unable to attend in person service due to health or mobility issues, Prince of Peace continues to live stream (and send out audio via a phone service) the Service of the Word. These tools, while gifts from God, must not be viewed as a replacement for what...
2024-12-01 – Advent I (Ad Te Levavi)
For those unable to attend in person service due to health or mobility issues, Prince of Peace continues to live stream the Service of the Word. This tool, while a gift from God, must not be viewed as a replacement for what Scripture calls the gathering together...
2024-11-24 – Last Sunday of the Church Year
For those unable to attend in person service due to health or mobility issues, Prince of Peace continues to live stream the Service of the Word. This tool, while a gift from God, must not be viewed as a replacement for what Scripture calls the gathering together...
Latest News
Christian Education resuming…
Christian Education, our weekly Sunday morning offerings for children and adult alike will resume, as the Lord wills, on Sunday, September 8th at 9:00AM. Plan to attend, so that you may be encouraged, and your faith strengthened through knowledge of God's Word!
Church Office Summer Hours
During the summer months of July and August, the Church Office will be closed on Mondays. Messages will be returned the next working day. Should an emergency occur, please contact one of the Elders, and they will connect you to Pastor, if needed. The contact...
Sonshine Club Get Together
The Sonshine Club will meet Tuesday, June 11 at 1:00 pm. Our speaker will be Cheryl DeGlopper from Philips Lifeline. She will be giving a presentation on mobility issues, hazards and balance, etc.Though you may not be affected by these things now, consider it an...
Upcoming Events
Under the Influence: A Conversation About Media
"UNDER THE INFLUENCE: Recognizing the Impact of the Media on the life of a Christian." Date: Saturday, January 11th, 2025, starting at 10:30am. Click Here to Register: https://forms.gle/xP5CdRL3g2vkekUY6 Topic presented by: Rev. Ted Giese Pastor, Mount Olive L.C.,...
A Lutheran Bible Study in Brantford!?
By God's grace and under the oversight of St Peter's Lutheran Church - Simcoe (LCC), there will be a Lutheran Bible Study group beginning in Brantford. For more information, please click here to access the poster. May God Almighty bless the work that our churches are...
LWML-C Twelfth Regular Convention
Lutheran Women’s Missionary League–Canada’s Twelfth Regular Convention will be held at the Four Points by Sheraton, London, Ontario, or online via livestream. Many women of the Lutheran Church in Canada will be gathering together from July 11 to 14 in London, Ontario,...