Christian Education resuming…

Christian Education, our weekly Sunday morning offerings for children and adult alike will resume, as the Lord wills, on Sunday, September 8th at 9:00AM. Plan to attend, so that you may be encouraged, and your faith strengthened through knowledge of God’s...

Church Office Summer Hours

During the summer months of July and August, the Church Office will be closed on Mondays. Messages will be returned the next working day. Should an emergency occur, please contact one of the Elders, and they will connect you to Pastor, if needed. The contact...

Sonshine Club Get Together

The Sonshine Club will meet Tuesday, June 11 at 1:00 pm.  Our speaker will be Cheryl DeGlopper from Philips Lifeline.  She will be giving a presentation on mobility issues, hazards and balance, etc.Though you may not be affected by these things now, consider it an...

Congregational BBQ!

Let us celebrate our blessings together! Join us for food, conversation and fellowship following the Divine Service on Sunday June 23rd. The elders are planning on providing the meats and beverages, please plan to bring – as you are able – either a side, a...

Tone Chimes

If you are interested in trying out the tone Chimes this Sunday, please stick around after service! We will pull out the Tone Chimes and let you try them out. We will also discuss when would be the best time to practice as a group. See you Sunday!

Cruising with the Sonshine Club

The Sonshine Club is looking to go on a Grand River Cruise in May (date to be decided). More information is posted in the entryway – please sign your name if you would be interested in joining us. Cost is $75 and includes 2-1/2 hour cruise, full-course lunch,...