One of the responsibilities of the Altar Guild is to regularly inspect the linens, paraments, and other items used in the liturgical life of the congregation and, when necessary, to make repairs or suggest opportunities for replacements and improvements to the congregation as needed.

It often goes without saying, that it is always our desire to put forward our best in service to our Lord for His use. To that end, it has become necessary to either replace or replate both our primary chalice and flagon due to excessive pitting in the metal. The cost to replate both the chalice and the flagon is certain to exceed $1000 USD each, with additional costs for shipping and insurance. Replacing this communionware could cost a comparable amount. There are options, however, which could make the cost of replacing more attractive than the cost of replating.

A second item that we would like to replace is the Fair Linen on the Altar (the flat white linen that drapes over the ends of the altar). One of ours (we have two) has developed a hole in the fabric from years of use. We would like to retire this cloth and replace it with a new one.

In thanksgiving for the gifts God has provided you, we ask you to prayerfully consider a contribution towards these items. If you are willing to contribute, in part or in whole, in memoriam or in celebration, please talk to Pastor or Kathy Hartwig.

+SDG+ To God be the Glory!